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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS

Cooperation between Italy and Libya to support institutional reforms and reinforce Libya’s capacity building. On March 4, 2019, Sant’Anna School faculty members provide training in legislative drafting to Libyan officials

Publication date: 04.03.2019
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The legislative drafting program offered by Sant’Anna School on March 4 will provide Libyan officials with practical skills and law making knowledge required for drafting legislation. The EU and Italy contribute to support the peace and stability process in Libya mainly through technical assistance initiatives at national and local level. This course is specifically designed for participants to apply the methods of legislative drafting in a democratic context and support the legislators in the political transition process.

The course is taught in daily lectures and interactive sessions with legal experts. It facilitates group discussions on parliamentary systems, policy instruments and government relations. Professor Andrea de Guttry, director of the Dirpolis Institute, is the course coordinator.

As Fayez al-Sarraj and Khalifa Haftar have recently agreed "on the need to end the transitional phase through general elections and on ways to preserve the stability of institutions", this training program fulfils an important role in the delivery of legal instruments for the consolidation of governance as well as strengthening the institutional capacity in Libya.

“This training program on legislative drafting is not strictly limited to drafting practical skills, said Andrea de Guttry – It includes the analysis of the democratic principles underlying the creation of laws and the choice of policy as a contribution to peace and stability. We aim to support the implementation of security also through the migrants’ rights protection and to assist Libyan legislators to rehabilitate political and social infrastructures across the country”.